Energy Insights & Natural Health RSS

Christmas, Gifts -

Shopping for others is sometimes a challenge... Here are a few gift ideas of stones, crystals and products we carry that make wonderful gifts (even for those hard to shop for or who 'have everything'.)   Gift for the StudentSchool spirit power bracelet or collection set - everything you need to get through school. Helps with stress, anxiety, focus, and calming, all while giving you inner strength, protection from negative energies, grounding scattered energies, and more.  Gift for the Stressed-out IndividualCalming Paradise crystal candle - Coconut vanilla with Opalite Heart and Aquamarine. Opalite helps to soothe frayed nerves and calms...

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Oracle cards are a great, approachable way to help you tap into the universal spirit and your intuition. They are meant to provide a sense of guidance, and can help you further develop your inner wisdom, healing, self-love, and emotional well-being.   1.) Selecting a deck There are many general oracle decks as well as themes such as angels, moonology, crystals, spirit animals, and more. Go with what you are drawn to, or choose a theme that you think will best help your journey.Tap into your inner wisdom. Hold the decks in your hands. Stop into one of our locations...

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- By Dr. Andrea Hillstad, Naturopathic Doctor Seasonal allergies can be a real pain.  Runny nose, sneezing, itchy watery eyes, congestions.  Luckily there are some amazing things nature has provided us with to help alleviate these symptoms. Herbs Elderberry and Elderflower – Sambucus nigra or Black Elder has both medicinal berries and flowers.  The flowers help to remove excess mucous from the body and can balance histamine levels.  Best when taken as a hot tea.  Elderberries are great for chronic allergies as they are mast cell stabilizers.  Mast cells are an important part of the immune system and are often-times associated...

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Products -

Switching to natural shampoo and natural conditioner can change the appearance of your hair and is better for the environment. However, like natural deodorant, it does take a little bit of time to transition. But once you make the switch the long-term benefits for you and your family being free from those chemicals and the benefits for your hair and scalp, will be all worth it!  THE CHEMICAL LOW DOWN Natural hair care products, like Crystal Rocks Healing’s formula, are are free of parabens and phthalates, sulfates and alcohol. Parabens and phthalates are endocrine disruptors or harmful chemicals that disrupt...

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Saging, smudging, clearing or cleansing has been around for thousands of years, and used across many different religions, cultures and belief systems.  Do you feel stale, negative energy in your home or space? Or maybe it is residual energy left there from a visitor.  When things feel off, or the kids keep having nightmares, it's time to clear the air! Many people wonder how to do it? The best thing about energy cleansing through burning sages, palo santo or incense is that you can’t do it wrong.  (It might not be as effect, but not wrong, and better than none!)...

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